Wednesday, October 29, 2008

falling :'[

I am falling again :'[. I am so tired of everything. In some ways I feel like I have failed in life. I can't even obtain my own happiness anymore. I feel lost, hurt, sad, & lonely. I don't know what to do about life anymore. I tried remaining positive and optimistic, but I am falling again and allowing life's obstacles to drag me down. I was not like this before. Why have I become this person (always feeling so emotional, down, and negative). Help me :'[. Anybody, please :[. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't help myself anymore. I don't want to be this weak anymore.

A old friend of mine has recently launched and started a project called regretbook. After exploring it, it really allowed me to reflect on how I am feeling about life. Check out my friend's web site (

This is one entry I have posted:

"I regret coming out to my family. Everything has changed. The way they look at me and treat me is not the same anymore. It really does affect my happiness, confidence, and contentment as an individual. When I am at home I feel that my rights, feelings and perspectives are denied, discarded, & unimportant. I may sound like I am stuck in adolescent egocentrism with a "personal fable", but I really am not if you were in my position. It really is depressing to always go home to have a sense of feeling that you are a disappointment to your family. I regret coming out. I try to be strong and cover my sadness with other things in life, but no matter what I can't seem to not let it deprive me from my own happiness. I'm sick of always feeling so down and emotionally unable about every little thing in life. I wish I have someone in my life to truly love me for who I am and share a happy life together. "

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